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💜 Save Lives & Get A Cool New Mug 💜

Choose an amount to donate monthly
Project Purple is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We’ll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Donate $13/Month
to join the Project Purple Mug Club

The 5-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer currently sits at 13%. But we are going to change that with your help. Donating $13/month or more through this page will make you a part of the Project Purple Mug Club.

You can wake up every morning and make a difference - proudly displaying that you are on the frontlines of the fight for a world without pancreatic cancer. After 3 months of recurring donations at $13 or more, you will be sent a complimentary Project Purple mug that is exclusive to this program. Stay tuned for more updates as we look to provide even more mug club rewards to members.

Your donation benefits pancreatic cancer research and helps patients afford cost of living expenses among other quality-of-life improvements through our patient financial aid programs.

*Due to shipping constraints, the Mug Club is available in the U.S. only

Your Donation Makes A Difference

Since 2010, we have contributed over $3.5 million to pancreatic cancer research efforts while allocating $1 million worth of aid to 1,300+ patients and families through our patient aid programs. Your monthly or one-time gift can improve patients' lives through research and assistance programs. Pancreatic cancer does not rest and neither will we; your support is truly appreciated.

To learn more about Project Purple, visit

Frequently asked questions